About Grey Power
About Us
Grey Power strives to improve the living standards, benefits and equal work opportunities for those aged 50 years onwards, although we welcome membership applications from people of all ages.
Grey Power now has New Zealand wide coverage with a huge representation of people retired or approaching their retirement years.
Grey Power Members Meeting
Wednesday, 11th Sept 2024
Club Metro, 13 Ridgway Street, Wanganui

Our Mission:
To be the appropriate voice for all New Zealanders.
Our Population
The ageing of New Zealand’s population will see people spending up to a quarter of their lives in retirement. And never before has there been so much insecurity over health, safety within one’s home and the cost of living.
It is becoming increasingly evident that people aged over 50 years need a united voice if their circumstances on reaching the age of retirement are not to be jeopardised.
Our Aims and Objectives:
To advance, support and protect the welfare and well being of older people.
To affirm and protect that statutory right of every New Zealand resident, to a sufficient New Zealand Superannuation entitlement.
To strive for a provision of a quality Health Care to all New Zealand residents regardless of income and location.
To oppose all discriminatory and disadvantageous legislation affecting rights, security and dignity.
To be non aligned with any political party, and to present a strong united lobby to all Parliament and statutory Bodies on matters affecting New Zealanders.
To promote and establish links with kindred organizations.
To promote recognition of the wide-ranging services provided by senior citizens of New Zealand.
To gain recognition as an appropriate voice for all older New Zealanders.
Key Areas of Interest

We believe Superannuation should be a state, tax funded scheme payable at 65 that allows retired people an adequate income to live in reasonable comfort with dignity, able to participate fully in the community. Superannuation should be an entitlement, not means tested and should include special provision for people living alone. A multi-party Superannuation Accord should secure the scheme.

Grey Power believes in a Public Health System that protects and promotes the health of New Zealanders. We will strive to have a Parliamentary Accord on Health that interprets the declared will of the majority of citizens of New Zealand, not a system reflecting the aspirations the current government.

Law and Order
Grey Power seeks a fairer justice system, encompassing all people in New Zealand and striving to make people safe in their homes and on the streets.

Energy Services
Grey Power believes energy (electricity, gas, solid and liquid fuel) should be produced, delivered and used in the most effective ways possible and at a cost that is affordable to the domestic consumer. Energy supplies should, as far as possible, be reliable and secure, and energy prices stable, undistorted and at a level that reflects their strategic importance to New Zealand.

Social Services
Grey Power believes all persons in New Zealand should have access to and be accurately informed of all entitlements, initiatives or changes that affect them. Equal opportunity must exist in all areas of Social Services to ensure a fair and equitable standard of living for all.

Grey Power strives to ensure that there is no further privatisation of public state assets and to resist any sales of State Owned Enterprises.
Visit our Office
Club Metro Building
13 Ridgway Street, Wanganui 4500
Open Tuesday & Thursday, 12pm - 2pm