
Who We Are

If you are interested in being part of the team be sure to contact the president to put your name forward. Grey Power Wanganui thank you for your continued support and are always looking for new ways to strengthen our current team.

Every year at the Annual General Meeting Grey Power Wanganui elects its new committee. Your current representatives can be found here.


Click here‘ to view the Constitution for Grey Power Wanganui Incorporated (NZBN: 873655).
Please note it is still to be ratified at the 2025 AGM.

Your Committee
Designation Member
President Nerrily Frith
Vice President Eddie Tofa
Treasurer Ngaire Flynn
Secretary Brian Milham
Membership Officer Lynne Morris
Office Manager Helen Tilley
Committee Shirley McDonough, Sandra Tofa, Helma Vermeulen

Join Today!

Membership open to anyone 50 years plus

Membership of Grey Power Wanganui is open to any person who is interested in the concerns and/or wellbeing of the elderly. We currently have over 800 members who come from Wanganui and districts, from Taihape to Waverley.



PO Box 4197, Wanganui 4541